Through the eyes of a toddler

Now little Miss Z can’t actually talk yet, well she can say a handful of words but boy does she want to. She is always babbling at us trying to say something but for the life of us we cannot work it out, for the most part it’s blah blah blah da da da blup blup blup, you get the idea. Although if she could I imagine she would say a little something like this…

Little Miss Z on…

The airplane – what even is this? What do you mean I can’t get up, that  man is stood up. I don’t even have a seat, I have to sit on your lap. Do not show me those books anymore, we’ve read Dear Zoo 17 times in the last 20 minutes. BORED.

The pool  – mum to be honest I think you’ve been quite inconsistent with this. Since we’ve got here you have told me to ‘stay away’, ‘don’t go in there’, ‘be careful’, you’ve yelled at anybody who hasn’t followed me outside and you’ve even put things in my way so I can’t go all the way round the outside, but mum, you then seemed to be upset when I wouldn’t go in with you – I’m not sure I understand? Honestly you parents can be fickle things.

The beach – what on earth? You can’t even walk on it properly and it feels weird, I image
mean really weird and I just could not get the sand off my hands, it was just ALWAYS there. I think there is still some there now, and what’s with dad? He kept on and on about the sand being everywhere, on the towel, in the prams, in the bags well yeah it is everywhere, have you seen the size of the beach and just how much of that yellow stuff there is. Don’t even get me started on that massive blue pool you tried to put  me in…

Food – owww dinner time yay, what we having? Pasta! Good I like pasta…wait a minute, Grandad has chips, Nanny has chip ummm Daddy has chips, mum if yo…what you have chips as well, that’s not fair I want chips. From here on out I declare this chip day and I will only eat CHIPS.

imageSitting down – mum why is it every time I wake up from my nap you and dad have had lunch without me and are just sat. Why do you want to sit all.the.time you know I like to walk. It’s alright for you you’ve been here loads, it’s new to me I’ve got things to see, come on get up. I said up. Now. Come on. Don’t sit anymore. Let’s go.

On going home – I don’t want to mum. I like it here. Wait why am I telling you…Dadddddyyy…..


Mudpie Fridays
You Baby Me Mummy
Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday
Pink Pear Bear

30 thoughts on “Through the eyes of a toddler

  1. Bwahaha, this is so funny! I agree with her — I will only eat chips too. Smart Baby. I really enjoyed reading this post. We adults really do not make any sense when you see it from their perspective, right? #BloggerClubUK


    1. She really wasn’t bothered she slept all night. But I have taken her away a lot and I think she’s used to the travel cot. I also padded it a bit for her to make it more comfy xx

      Liked by 1 person

  2. lol! So funny! She is such a chatty girl isn’t she. I think Evelyn and your little girl will get on so well together. She is always chatty too! lol! Thank you so much for linking up with us on #FabFridayPost


  3. It must be a confusing world to grow up in! The food thing deffinetly. Luckily he’s able to eat whatever im having so that helps now. Very clever children they know how to get their own way.


  4. Toddlers are right – holidays are a strange time when all the rules go out of the window! I think if everyone else had chips then I know I’d be wanting my chips too! Hope you had an amazing time (are you back yet or still there?) #bigpinklink


    1. Yes it was a little unfair of me, parading our chips around like that… No we are home 😦 but had a nice little break so should t complain…but might a little xx


  5. Haha!! Brilliant!! I often wonder if I’m confusing the hell out of my children too, with my very contradictory behaviour!! And I love trying to imagine what they’re thinking about certain things! And of course daddy is always the go-to person because after all, mummy only usually dies absolutely everything for you…!!
    Thanks for sharing with #bigpinklink!


  6. Ah so cute & so true for a lot of toddlers I’d say! I’m glad she enjoyed the holiday. My daughter decided to live on chips while we were away last summer. You just have to be glad they are eating something! Thanks so much for sharing with us at #bloggerclubuk x


  7. heheheh this is so funny. It must be pretty confusing for them right – we tell them one thing and do another! I love the part when she wakes up from her nap and you are just sitting! lol And who wouldn’t want to have a chip day?

    Thank you for linking up to #KCACOLS and I hope to see you back again on sunday! x


  8. hahaha this is do funny!! She is starting to understand and explore new things and yes I also think that us as parents are a little bit contradictory sometimes, lol. Thanks so much for sharing this at #KCACOLS, 🙂 x


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