Dear Mr Tammy – I know what you do.

Whilst being a parent is without doubt the best thing I have ever done, I would be lying if I said it doesn’t at times take its toll on your relationship. The ‘us’ time is eaten up by these new little attention seekers who you now dedicate your every waking (and sleeping) minute to. Any tolerance and patience you once had has been lost along with your night’s sleep and your conversations are more often than not focused on your little bundles of joy – even if you do manage to make it out the house for a child free date night.

With this in mind it is safe to say Mr Tammy and I are not the most publically affectionate couple. We don’t kiss each other and say ‘missed you’ when the other gets back from the bar (yes I have seen it happen!) nor do we post copious amounts of photos proclaiming our love on social media (by the way no judgment to those who do, courses for horses and all that). We do however say those three words (almost) daily and I always get a kiss goodbye but I know there are many things that I don’t say but I think you should know:

I know I can be grumpy  after a bad night with baby two (the night shift sucks). I know and I am sorry. 

I know you work hard all day to provide for us. I know and I am grateful. 

I know after that hard day we are often stood at the door waiting for you. My day was hard too and my tether is nearing its end. I know and I am grateful. 

I know I get pissy when you sleep in the day. I am jealous. I know and I am sorry. 

I know you like a tidy house and you often come home to a child’s play den mascarading as a laundrette. I know and I am sorry. 

But most of all I know you DETESTE mornings, especially anything before 8 o’clock, yet you get up with baby number one so I can get that bit extra sleep. I know and I am ETERNALLY grateful! 

This is not a finite list, I just wanted to let you know that I am grateful for all you do. I hope you know that.


MUUUUM, daddy's home!!!!!
MUUUUM, daddy’s home!!!!!


my petit canard

10 thoughts on “Dear Mr Tammy – I know what you do.

    1. Thank you. Yes very easy to get caught up in everything, just got to try and take a step back every now and then and appreciate the madness lol! Thanks for your comment it’s lovely. Hopefully be able to link up again in the future x


  1. I particularly like wanting to be called Mr Grey though I think Mr Tammy is better 🙂 What a lovely list, I get caught up in what I do every day I often forget what HE does. Two children have hit us like a ton of bricks!

    And I used to live with a couple like that “Miss you, love you, bye darling bye” he was only walking up to the top of the road to go the corner shop and would have been back in 10 minutes……#TwinklyTuesday


    1. Ha yeah he didn’t actually know who Mr Grey was or what his past time activities entails until I told him, his face dropped a little after that!!
      Im exactly the same, that was why I wrote it, I think we both seem to forget the other has it hard too! Two babies feels like a whole new world of busy!
      Oh dear. Living with it must have been err, interesting!


  2. Mr J and I are exactly the same, and this is such a lovely post. I think we both need to really take the time to remember what we really appreciate about each other. Parenthood is (though amazing) difficult! Thanks for linking up to #MarvMondays. Kaye xo


    1. Yes it definitely has its trying times and it takes its toll on you as an individual and as a couple, which is why I find it important to appreciate the other half and what they do every now and then! Thanks for your comment x


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